Jeg vil gøre opmærksom på, hvad WHO siger i 1991:
WHO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA 118 , at der ikke findes en mindste dosis ved hvilken kviksølv ikke kan siges at være toksisk.
(Citat) “10.3.2. Inorganic mercury compounds ……. A special problem in the risk assessment of mercury is the fact that mercury can give rise to allergic and immunotoxic reactions, which are partly genetically regulated. There may well be a small fraction of the population that is particularly sensitive, as has been observed in animal studies. A consequence of an immunological etiology is that it is not scientifically possible to set a level for mercury, e.g., in blood or urine, below which mercury-related symptoms will not occur in individual cases, since dose-response studies for groups of immunologically sensitive individuals are not yet available…..” (citat slut).
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